As a participant in The Yellow Ribbon Vehicle donation program, you can take pride in knowing you have assisted and supported those who have served you. Your donation not only reflects your patriotism but your appreciation for those who have secured your freedoms.
Your donation will not only provide the opportunity for direct financial support for those in need, but will help maintain ongoing financial education through one on one and group coaching/counseling.
Your donation will help support customized pre-purchase counseling so the home buying process will be less challenging and the budgeting tools to remain in the home will be available. Qualified families may also receive down payment assistance.
Your donation will provide financial education aimed at helping obtain and more importantly retain employment. Working with other non-profits, Yellow Ribbon Vehicles supports our partners by focusing on employment for those transitioning into civilan life.
Direct support in the form of interactive group programs, rehabilitative retreats, and professional services needed to build self-confidence, resilience and overcome. Mental health counseling programs work through PTSD, TBI, MST, grief and more.
Supportive services aiding the recovery process for the Veteran family and caregiver(s). Programs include, non-medical counseling, family life counseling, financial counseling, health and wellness coaches, caregiver peer forums. Emergency financial support is also considered.
Military to civilian transition support programs include, relocation and planning, Veteran health care options, personal finance recovery, pro-bono retiree financial planning and wrap around services. Connections to Veteran advocacy is critical.